Aquaphobia (Fear of Water)
Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
Nyctophobia (Fear of the Dark)
Cacophobia (Fear of Ugly Things)
Atychiphobia (Fear of Failure)
Ophidiophobia (Fear of Snakes)
Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders)
Claustrophobia (Fear of Small Spaces)
Hemophobia (Fear of Blood)
Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)
Glossophobia (Fear of Public Speaking)
Mysophobia (Fear of Germs)
Cynophobia (Fear of Dogs)
Anthophobia (Fear of Flowers)
Trypophobia (Fear of Holes)
Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting)
Chionophobia (Fear of Snow)
Brontophobia (Fear of Thunder)
Anthropophobia (Fear of People)
Nomophobia (Fear of Being Without a Mobile Phone)
Pogonophobia (Fear of Beards)
Xenophobia (Fear of Strangers)
Scolionophobia (Fear of School)
Nosocomephobia (Fear of Hospitals)
Megalophobia (Fear of Large Things)
Haphephobia (Fear of Being Touched)
Taphophobia (Fear of Being Buried Alive)
Ligyrophobia (Fear of Loud Sounds)
Sociophobia (Fear of Social Interaction)
Bibliophobia (Fear of Books)
Panophobia (Fear of Everything)
Rupophobia (Fear of Dirt)
Heliophobia (Fear of Sunlight)
Ablutophobia (Fear of Washing or Bathing)
Chorophobia (Fear of Dancing)
Automysophobia (Fear of Being Dirty)
Anthropophobophobia (Fear of People with Phobias)
Megalophobia (Fear of Large Things)
Frigophobia (Fear of Cold)
Toxiphobia (Fear of Poison)
Cyberphobia (Fear of Computers or Technology)
Hematophobia (Fear of Blood)
Gerascophobia (Fear of Growing Old)
Dromophobia (Fear of Crossing Streets)
Scelerophobia (Fear of Evil)
Pteromerhanophobia (Fear of Flying)
Selachophobia (Fear of Sharks)
Felinophobia (Fear of Cats)
Musophobia (Fear of Mice)