Eliminate an opponent (Easy)
Land at a specific location (Easy)
Deal damage to opponents (Easy)
Complete a time trial (Easy)
Collect a certain number of chests (Medium)
Deal damage to opponents with a specific weapon (Medium)
Eliminate opponents with a specific weapon (Medium)
Land a headshot (Medium)
Complete a timed obstacle course (Medium)
Eliminate opponents in a specific location (Medium)
Complete a timed elimination challenge (Hard)
Deal damage to opponents from a specific distance (Hard)
Eliminate opponents from a specific distance (Hard)
Complete a timed building challenge (Hard)
Land a specific number of headshots in a single match (Hard)
Eliminate opponents with a specific weapon from a specific distance (Expert)
Win a match without taking damage (Expert)
Complete a timed elimination challenge with specific conditions (Expert)
Eliminate opponents with a specific weapon in a specific location (Expert)
Win a match without using a healing item (Expert)
Complete a timed building challenge with specific conditions (Master)
Win a match without building (Master)
Eliminate opponents with a specific weapon from a specific distance in a specific location (Master)
Win a match using only a specific weapon (Master)
Complete a timed elimination challenge with multiple objectives (Master)
Win a match without landing on the ground (Epic)
Eliminate opponents with a specific weapon while riding a vehicle (Epic)
Win a match without using any weapons (Epic)
Complete a timed elimination challenge in a specific mode (Epic)
Win a match without taking damage, building, or using healing items (Legendary)